Astronomy and Nature French Version

Update 2016/03/15
Astronomy Stereoscopy AstroStereo List
To see this 3D picture - Please use red/cyan anaglyphic glasses


Here are some of my freeware utilities to download.

SaveClipBoard - Scbd.ZipNouveau

Utilities for Windows - AutoSave of Screen Capture
Work under Windows XP - Windows Vista - 7,8,10.

The program will save to disk any image or text present in the clipboard.
Use is very simple:
"Auto" mode
- will remember Location on disk - File type
-  and will Auto increment the names
- otherwise you can choose manually all the parameters.

Usefull keys:
[Prt Scr] = Print Screen: copy to the clipboard all teh screen.
[Alt] + [Prt Scr] ou [Alt] + [Imp Ecr] : copy to the clipboard only the focused window. 

StarMax version 2.5.15 
Starmax is an Easy StarTrails Creator..

Registax RSP files updater to be used if original files (AVI & RSP) are moved from original location.

You may download Registax here:

More on my French pages..


Free software to sort and organize StereoPairs

Free Software to build Stereo Pictures.

Free Software to digitalize Stereo Pictures.

More on my French pages..